Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fireman Shadow 1567

The idea for this photograph was to photograph a shadow. To create this, I traveled to the Waukesha Fire Department. Fireman Tom Koerner of Station #1 was kind enough to gear up and stand in for a quick photo. With lights and camera on 2 tripods, Tom then stepped aside leaving his boots in place. Later, I used photoshop to combine the two photos, erasing Tom and leaving his boots and shadow.
Shot with
- Nikon D700 camera, 50 mm lens
- 50 mm, f/10, 1/60 sec, ISO 400
Processed with
- Photoshop crop, combine 2 photos, contrast/saturation boost

1 comment:

  1. A Black and White version of this photo took 25th/99 photos on a competition.

    My personal critique is that it lacks a punch when you first view it. It's a little off-center, a little busy, and shadow is broken by the space between the truck and ground. My idea of doing it against a brick wall still feels better.
