Monday, June 21, 2010


A tribute to the heavy German influence in Milwaukee... Kohlrabi. This german turnip was growing in my wife's garden, and it made a nice father's day present. The leaves are colorful with their deep-purple veins. It makes me wonder if everything in Wisconsin starts with "Kohl"... senators, toilets, department stores, and now vegetables.
Shot with:
- Nikon D700 camera, 105mm f/2.8 macro lens
- 105mm, f/3.3, 1/125 sec, ISO 1250
Processed with:
- Photoshop to crop, boost contrast/saturation, unsharp mask

PS. Wifey just updated me... it's cabbage. Not Kohlrabi. So much to learn...

1 comment:

  1. In his defense, the kohlrabi is right next to the cabbage in the garden. So he didn't completely make it up. :)
