Monday, June 28, 2010

2701 Struck

We sat on our front porch during the Tuesday evening thunderstorm. After 150 pictures, we finally got 1 with lightning. This lightning storm went on for almost 2 hours with lightning bolts every few seconds. Several tornadoes touched down in the southern Wisconsin area including 1 in Eagle. We're glad this storm didn't do more damage to our house, or our neighbors. Notice the "-701" address on the house (lower left corner). The house is across our street "2701", as we're "2700".
Shot with:
- Nikon D700 camera, 50mm f/1.4 lens
- 50mm, f/16, 2 seconds, ISO 200
- Manual mode, on tripod with remote trigger
Processed with:
- Adobe Lightroom 3.0beta to enhance shadow regions, color correct
- Photoshop to enhance edges
- Nik to darken edges

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