Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Bean

Happy Easter everyone! This photo was my first table-experiment with my macro lens. I tried different lighting, post-processing, depth of field, and exposures. The idea was the play with eggs. I tried the 3 eggs, and got some great shots. Finally, I grabbed a tiny Jelly Belly candy and put it atop the closest egg. That was the shot I liked the best. I also did some real close up shots of cracks in eggs. Wow! You can get so close!!
Shot with
- Nikon D700 camera, 105 mm f/2.8 macro lens (VR turned off)
- 105 mm, f/9, 1/160 sec, ISO 100 (L-3), Manual mode
- Tripod, Trigger-release cable
- Alien Bee 400W with 20 degree grid
- White paper backdrop
Processed with
- Photoshop crop, minor removal of blemishes on eggs
- Nik Silver Efex Pro - Blue-Yellow Split-Toner, 10% vignette

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