Monday, April 26, 2010

Old Fashioned

A special tribute to a great man, my father, who passed away this Friday. His Old Fashioned Luxury Barbershop mug has been an iconic image in my head. The mug was always in his bathroom. This weekend was a great occasion to preserve some amazing memories.
Shot with
- Nikon D700 camera, 105 mm f/2.8 macro lens
- 105 mm, f/5.6, 1/60 sec, ISO 400
- SB800 flash pointed over left shoulder
Processed with
- Photoshop for crop, curves, minor edits
- Nik Color Efex 3.0 - Darken Edges

Monday, April 19, 2010

Plumes of Smoke

Kenosha Wisconsin, near Pleasant Prairie, is home to one large belching smokestack. On a real clear day last weekend, I tried to capture the billowing gases. It reminded me of the Icelandic volcano that erupted last week. I'm always asking myself, "What is inside that smoke/gas, and is it safe for the local communities?" That, and can anyone pronounce the volcano "Eyjafjallajoekull"?
Shot with
- Nikon D200 camera, 50mm f/1.4 lens
- 50 mm, f/13, 1/350 sec, ISO 200
- Raw exposure
Processed with
- Photoshop raw to import
- Photoshop to crop, curve, remove dust spots, slight burning of edges

Monday, April 12, 2010

Train Station

The fog on March 10th was the thickest fog I've ever seen in my life. You could see no more than 20 feet in front of you. So, I decided to grab the camera and go for a drive. This is the train station in downtown Waukesha. I only shot 5 scenes that night, 20 total photos. One has to be patient setting up 3-10 second exposures on a tripod.
Shot with
- Nikon D700 camera, 70-200mm f/2.8 VR lens
- 135mm, f/9, 3 second, ISO 500
- Manual mode, Auto white-balance
- Tripod
Processed with
- Photoshop to crop (no enhancement this time!!)
- Photoshop to remove dust spots, dead pixels, slight burning of edges

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Bean

Happy Easter everyone! This photo was my first table-experiment with my macro lens. I tried different lighting, post-processing, depth of field, and exposures. The idea was the play with eggs. I tried the 3 eggs, and got some great shots. Finally, I grabbed a tiny Jelly Belly candy and put it atop the closest egg. That was the shot I liked the best. I also did some real close up shots of cracks in eggs. Wow! You can get so close!!
Shot with
- Nikon D700 camera, 105 mm f/2.8 macro lens (VR turned off)
- 105 mm, f/9, 1/160 sec, ISO 100 (L-3), Manual mode
- Tripod, Trigger-release cable
- Alien Bee 400W with 20 degree grid
- White paper backdrop
Processed with
- Photoshop crop, minor removal of blemishes on eggs
- Nik Silver Efex Pro - Blue-Yellow Split-Toner, 10% vignette